Published on
April 11, 2023

The Most Useful Commands for Minecraft Building

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Minecraft is a game of endless possibilities. It allows you to be as creative as you want, but building intricate structures can be time-consuming and tedious. That’s where Fast Async WorldEdit (FAWE) comes in. FAWE is a plugin for Minecraft that allows you to quickly and easily build complex structures in your Minecraft world. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most useful FAWE commands for building in Minecraft.

What is Fast Async WorldEdit (FAWE)?

FAWE is a plugin for Minecraft that provides an efficient and powerful way to build and edit large areas. It is designed to optimize the editing process, allowing you to make changes to your Minecraft world quickly and easily. With FAWE, you can select, copy, paste, stack, rotate, and flip structures in your Minecraft world with just a few simple commands.


The //wand command is one of the most versatile and useful commands in FAWE. With this command, you can select and copy any area of your Minecraft world. Simply type “//wand” in the chat, and a wooden axe will appear in your inventory. Use the axe to select the two opposite corners of the area you want to copy. Once you have selected the area, you can use other FAWE commands to manipulate it.

This tool is essential for building with FAWE. Learning how to use it effectively is crucial for improving your building approach. Consider learning shortcuts for selection such as //pos1, //pos2, and //farwand.

Using //wand to get the wand tool, left-click to set position 1 and right-click to set position 2.

//copy and //paste

Once you have selected the area you want to copy with the //wand command, use the //copy command to copy it to your clipboard. Then, move to the location where you want to paste the structure and use the //paste command. This allows you to quickly and easily copy and paste structures in your Minecraft world. With this command, you can easily create multiple copies of a structure and place them wherever you want.

Using //copy to copy the selected region at the reference point (emerald block), and pasting it elsewhere. Note how it pastes as the reference point.


Copying and pasting parts of a structure with FAWE allows for quick and easy duplication of a design. Instead of having to manually rebuild the same structure multiple times, you can simply copy the original and paste it wherever you need it. This saves a significant amount of time and effort, especially when building large and complex structures.

đź’ˇ Creating individual components of a build, such as windows, turrets, and wall facades, allows you to copy and paste these elements onto a simple structure block-out. This speeds up your workflow and adds consistency to your design. However, be sure to create sufficient variations to keep this method interesting. Too much repetition can detract from your build.


The //stack command is perfect for creating repetitive structures. With this command, you can easily stack a structure on top of itself or next to itself. Simply select the area you want to stack with the //wand command, and then use the //stack command to create the desired number of copies. This command is particularly useful for creating walls, pillars, or other structures that require repetition.

đź’ˇ You can make this tool more powerful by changing the bounds of your stack selection. For instance, if you contract the selection to exclude one block at the end of a symmetrical structure, you will be able to stack this construction with seamless integration.

Using //stack [amount] [direction], note that the selection hugs the extents of the block resulting in seamless stacking.
Using //stack [amount] [direction] with a selection larger than the block to create gaps.


The //rotate command is useful for rotating structures that you have copied and pasted. With this command, you can rotate a copied structure in any direction. Simply select the structure with the //wand command, and then use the //rotate command to rotate it. This allows you to create more complex structures without having to rebuild them from scratch.

To add variation to a structure, you can use the //rotate and //flip commands after copying and pasting it. This allows you to create mirror images or rotate structures in any direction, adding complexity without requiring extra building work.

Using //rotate [amount] to rotate the façade and then pasting it. Note that the reference point will rotate with the command.


The //flip command is useful for flipping structures that you have copied and pasted. With this command, you can flip a copied structure horizontally or vertically. Simply select the structure with the //wand command, and then use the //flip command to flip it. This allows you to create mirror images of structures or to create more complex structures.

Using //flip [direction] to flip a selection. Note that the reference point will be flipped with the command.


The //brush command is a powerful tool that allows you to make changes to a large area of your Minecraft world quickly and easily. With this command, you can create terrain, fill areas with blocks, or even add custom structures to your Minecraft world. The //brush command has a variety of settings, including size, shape, and block type, allowing you to create complex structures with ease.

//brush clipboard is one of my most used commands when creating vegetation. Pasting pre-built leaf patterns onto tree branch structures speeds up the process of making tree assets ten-fold!

The brush has a variety of settings, including size, shape, and block type, allowing you to create complex structures with ease. The available brush types are:

  • sphere: creates a sphere-shaped brush that affects all blocks within its radius
  • cylinder: creates a cylinder-shaped brush that affects all blocks within its radius and height
  • cuboid: creates a cuboid-shaped brush that affects all blocks within its dimensions
  • smooth: smooths out rough terrain by averaging the height of nearby blocks

Each brush type can be customized further with additional parameters, such as the brush size and block type. The //brush command is a versatile tool that allows you to create custom terrain, add custom structures, and manipulate blocks quickly and easily.

đź’ˇ See our article on creating Minecraft vegetation for more uses of this powerful tool!


The //schematic command allows you to save a structure as a file and then load it later. This is particularly useful if you want to reuse a structure in multiple locations or share it with other players. Simply select the structure with the //wand command, and then use the //schematic save command to save it as a file. To load the structure, use the //schematic load command and select the file you want to load.


FAWE commands are incredibly useful for building structures in Minecraft. Whether you’re copying and pasting structures, stacking them, or rotating and flipping them, FAWE commands can save you a significant amount of time and effort. With the //brush command, you can even create custom terrain and structures, allowing you to be as creative as you want. So next time you’re building in Minecraft, give these commands a try and see how they can streamline your building process. FAWE is a powerful tool that can help you bring your Minecraft world to life.



Thomas has been with Lothiredon as a lead builder since 2019.

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